Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sometimes I feel bad...

I know that it's not a bad thing, and I know it's not anyone's fault, but sometimes I feel bad that Nick and I were so lucky with concieving our little monkey so easily. I'm not saying I would trade our luck in for anything, I'm very, very grateful that we've had the fortune we've had.

I just feel bad because I've made a number of friends that are having trouble concieving their own children, and I don't want to rub it in that we're expecting, or how far along I am, or, whatever. I know that there is so much heartbreak with TTC, and especially T-TTC, and it's hard to say "I'm so sorry" and still have a little ticker showing how far along you are.

Totally random, depressing post... but I feel it's a bit overdue.

All that being said, we did see our NP today. She nixed any plans of drinking wine (even small glasses) by saying "Unless you plan to put alcohol in the babies bottle, there's no reason to drink. The alcohol crosses the placenta so quickly and easily, you'll be allowing your baby to drink. There's so much brain development going on between conception and when they're 2 years old, it's not worth the risk". And, as I've noted before Nick sees our NP's opinion as the word of gospel, so I won't be drinking until approx. June 2010 when our little baby heads toward the terrible two's. Good. Then I'll need a drink.

Babie's doing great, I'm doing great, we're all doing great.

19w, 3d


Echloe said...

You should not feel bad because you never ever rub it in. At least on the boards I've never noticed that. There are some women that do rub it in and make it really hard for those of us that are having to wait a little longer for our babies. But never you.

Actually it makes me happy to see that your pregnancy is going on normal. Sometimes it is in fact easier for me to deal with your happy normal stuff than all the problems and issues that our friends have encountered. Positive energy is good. So keep bringing it.

Anonymous said...

ditto echloe. We need great success stories like yours to keep going. We love you we-love!!

Shopping's My said...

wait, are you not suppposed to put alcohol in the baby's bottle? wonder i never get asked to babysit any more....