Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I feel like tomorrow's the first day of school...

I've got my outfit picked out. I've picked out Jenna's outfit. I've packed up her diaper bag. I'm working on my pump bag. OMG, I'm gonna take my pump to work. I've fed her multiple times in my office, that's no big deal. It's as though she keeps my boob covered and I can just look down at her and just watch her. I love watching her nurse. But to pump, at work, that's a whole new story. I barely know how to handle the milk here at home, let alone fiddling with it at work. For whatever reason, I think of it as a bodily fluid (um, because it is, Janessa). I think of it like I thought of the urine samples during my prenatal appointments. I don't really want to touch it, let alone hand it off to someone else. And now... well, now I'll be storing it in my work refrigerator. Awesome. Luckily I work for a health care company, and I know they'll understand, but I can only imagine the comments I'll get this first week back.

Now, I'm going back to work. TOMORROW. I enjoy work. I wish there was a way for me to do it part time as opposed to full time, but either way, I'm going back. The good news? I totally and completely trust our day care provider, Irma. Really. This woman is great. I can tell she already cares for Jenna the way that I want her to. She's coined her little thighs "cinnamon rolls". It's just cute. I know she'll do a great job and be able to provide a loving and appropriately stimulating environment for Jenna. That makes me happy. I'll also get to go and feed her at lunch. This, too makes me happy.

I'm also excited to go back and throw myself at work, focus solely on something other than Jenna for awhile. I think it will make me appreciate her more than right now. It will make me count the minutes together, even if she's screaming.

So, wish me luck! I really hope things go well!
3 months, 9 days.


~M~ said...

Good luck! I hope your day goes by quick and you can get right back to holding sweet little Jenna.

Sally said...

It sorta is the first day of school. Good luck tomorrow morning, and we'll see you at lunch!

The Shmoopies said...

I hope your first week back at work is easy and flies by!! I missed J like crazy when I went back to work but I enjoyed being "Work Sol" again. And I loved being able to actually eat a meal w/o having someone scream at me for attention. ;) Plus I enjoyed being back in the camaraderie of my co-workers just shooting the breeze by the water cooler. You'll do great and Jenna will absolutely thrive at her new daycare!!

Anonymous said...

gah, SO sorry i didn't call to wish you luck today...life got in the way :( but i was (and am) thinking of you, and i know tomorrow will be great. be strong!

Anonymous said...

Good luck today!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow!!

Meg said...

I hope it's going well!!